In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, ACTA为艺术家和艺术组织提供了一些免费的在线活动,重点是为受COVID-19影响的人提供救济资金和恢复援助. Click to view recordings of these online roundtables:
Are you a current ACTA Living Cultures grantee or Apprenticeship participant?
如果您目前是2020年生活文化计划的受助者或学徒计划的参与者, we understand that your plan for the year is likely to be in flux. We are committed to being flexible and supportive during this time. 我们的项目经理将很快分享一些更新和资源,以帮助您在未来几个月了解您的生活文化补助金或学徒计划-下周请关注他们的沟通. As always, our program managers are just an email or a phone call away. We are here for you!
Living Cultures Grant Program
Lily Kharrazi, Director of Special Initiatives | (415) 346-5200
Apprenticeship Program
Jennifer Joy Jameson, Program Manager | (760) 805-8002
Shelter Together: New Live Video Series
在ACTA,我们相信社会距离并不一定意味着社会隔离. That’s why we have introduced a new series of live videos we are calling “Shelter Together.” For the next several weeks, we will be bringing you LIVE performances, demonstrations, 以及在我们的社交媒体渠道上来自加州传统艺术家的智慧之言!
Join us on Instagram and on Facebook 每周三和周五中午12点,见证艺术家们如何在家里继续他们的传统做法. We’ve already heard from requinto rómantico musician Mary Alfaro, Philippine kulintang artists Bernard Ellorin and Kim Kalanduyan, 2020 apprenticeship pair in West African drumming, Kahlil Cummings and Tony Williams, and many others!
Check out the full Shelter Together Archive here.
上图(从左至右):2019 ACTA学徒Kim Kalanduyan和导师艺术家Bernard Ellorin, 2020 ACTA apprentice Mary Alfaro (photo: Jenny Graham), and 2020 ACTA apprentice Tony Williams and mentor artist Kahlil Cummings.
Resources for Traditional Artists and Organizations Affected by COVID-19
支持受2019冠状病毒病大流行影响的传统艺术家和组织,以及由此造成的预订损失, programming, and income, ACTA已编制了一份资金和准备资源的名单,其中包括通过《冰球突破试玩网站》可获得的联邦救济资金的信息. 随着新的资金和支持资源的出现,本页将不断更新.
COVID-19 Stimulus Bill and the Arts Sector
As of March 27, 2020, Congress has passed a major COVID-19 relief package, expected to be signed by the president, which includes:
- $75 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
- $75 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
- $75 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
- $50 million for the Institute of Library and Museum Sciences
- $25 million for the Kennedy Center
- $7.5 million for the Smithsonian
我们将继续在国家一级与我们的合作伙伴合作,以确保传统艺术家得到这项救济资金的支持. 我们将随时为您提供最新的直接融资机会,这是刺激法案的结果.
通过该法案,艺术界可获得的其他关键资源包括将由市和县支付的社区发展整体赠款, 小企业管理局的紧急贷款将提供给非营利组织, independent contractors, and self-employed individuals, 扩大失业保险,将休假工人纳入保险范围, freelancers, and gig economy workers. 你可以了解这些新的机会和更多mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站国家救济法案的艺术部分 here .
我们想知道居家措施对你们的传统艺术实践或文化工作有何影响! What are the most urgent needs you and your community are facing? What are new opportunities that are arising? How have you adjusted your work in response to COVID-19?
Reach out to us! You can use the this form 将您的最新情况发送给我们,并让我们知道ACTA在此期间如何更好地为您服务. 这不是一项调查,这只是您直接与我们联系的途径. 我们也很想看看你在家里如何适应传统艺术实践的照片和视频! Feel free to also share any virtual classes, performances, or other online opportunities that ACTA can help you to promote. Let’s stay connected!
If you haven't already, 请通过填写美国人艺术协会的“冠状病毒(COVID-19)对艺术和文化部门的经济影响”调查来表达您的声音 . It takes five minutes, 这些信息将直接影响国家一级的紧急筹资宣传工作.